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    Suite 140
    Westlake Village, CA 91362
  • 888-678-8423

This is a time unlike any other – both personally and professionally. When it comes to running your business during the coronavirus outbreak, you may feel like you’re starting from scratch trying to find the best new way to run and market your business. We’re here to help.

Why You Need Digital Marketing

With the rate of infection of the highest concern with the latest pandemic, more and more barriers to face-to-face business have come into view. Where you would have relied, as an entrepreneur and a marketer, on the ability to interact directly with customers you are now faced with a new challenge to deliver valuable services and communicate your message effectively in new ways. Enter: Digital Marketing.

Communicate with Your Customers

With the need to begin working from home and remaining connected online, more of your customers will be online and available to your messaging. Just like you would put a billboard up on your ideal customer’s way to work, you would begin to advertise on social media platforms that your customers frequent.

With digital marketing, you can begin with researching where your customers can be found online and how to utilize those platforms most effectively. Then, return to your past marketing efforts to see what can be updated with your new information that you’ve gathered about your customer. Experiment and use your creativity. Build out detailed content for your website that helps your customer’s current needs or create engaging social media posts using photo and video.

Lastly, digital marketing can help you connect with your customers and respond to their current needs, given the rapid change in pace seen lately. If a product isn’t useful today, it may prove to be highly useful tomorrow – that’s why you’re online to adapt to their needs.

More on how to reach your audience in the paragraphs below.

Develop a Strategy for Your Marketing

A marketing strategy gives your ideas (and your budget) a backbone. With an intentionally developed marketing strategy, you can determine how your business will effectively use resources to deliver your key messages to your customers and achieve your business goals.

You’ve likely heard it before: consider self-isolation as a gift. Of course, this should not be taken lightly, but self-isolation has opened up hours of the day to new activities, including the most productive ones for your business. Finally, you can take the time to create a powerful digital marketing strategy for your ideal customer.

With more time on your hands, you can begin to think thoroughly about the needs, desires and behaviours of your customers, find the best tools and tactics, and put into place the systems you need to execute and evaluate your marketing efforts for now and for the future.

Digital Marketing Steps


Keep it updated. This is your customer’s most reliable form of information for your business. What are your hours? Are you open? What kinds of appointments can they still book? These are all questions that they will visit your site for, so it’s best to focus on creating an online presence that will do the talking for you.

Social Media

While a website continues to hold its place as a reliable source of information about your business and may even hold further information to help your customers and show them your industry knowledge and experience, social media is where you can interact with your customers in real-time, show some personality and even provide customer support. Meet your customers where they are at – on all the social media platforms.

Digital Advertising

Digital advertising on platforms such as Facebook and Google can be highly effective but, of course, requires a budget. Luckily since the increasing concerns about the coronavirus and stay-in-place orders, these advertising methods have some increasingly low costs per lead, in addition to other measures of success that affect your reach and overall budgetary restrictions. This means that now is actually a good time to experiment with online advertising and reach new customers. Luckily, your services are still much needed and relevant, coronavirus or not.

Build Your Online Efforts

Remember, the economy needs businesses to continue moving forward. Instead of waiting for the worst of the coronavirus to be over, it’s important to look for ways to strengthen your marketing efforts, and get strategic and poised for when the economy does begin to ramp up. Don’t stop now.

To find the best places to start when it comes to digital marketing during these uncertain times, call or email us today for a detailed report on where your company stands. Just click here!

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