Local SEO strategy is key to any small business dependent on local customers for their success. Here we look at what your German auto repair shop’s local SEO strategy should be to improve your digital marketing efforts.
1. Create Longer Blogs with Richer Snippets
Most readers have low attention spans, yet Google gives preference to longer blog content. So how do you strike the right balance? A good rule of thumb is to create blogs of around 1,600 words. This length helps outperform your competitor’s short posts by keeping your readers on the page longer. Remember, your content can’t be packed with keywords or be more fluff than substance. You’ll also need to use rich snippets to display the best possible summary of your page content so searchers are more likely to click your content.
2. Use Video
It’s not uncommon to assume blogs are the only way to generate website traffic. After all, keywords are words, and blogs are all about text. However, vehicle content is one of the most popular topics on YouTube. YouTube is also the second largest search engine, so you want to use it to drive traffic to your business. You can create keyword-rich video titles and descriptions to improve SEO and rank your videos higher. Videos under two minutes with interesting content that helps solve issues work best.
3. Create a Mobile-Friendly Website
Search engines prefer mobile-friendly websites since over half of people conducting searches use their phones or tablets. Responsive web design also reduces bounce rates because visitors aren’t frustrated by pages they can’t view easily from smaller devices.
4. Claim Your Google Business Profile
Your Google Business profile appears in Google search results whether you provided your business information or not. Google creates business profiles with the information it finds online. However, you improve the accuracy of content by claiming your business and adding your location, business hours, contact information and services. Although Local Services Ads are at the very top of the business rankings, claimed businesses are the ones closer to the top, beside the Google map business directory.
5. Add Schema Mark-up
Schema markup is a type of “code” Google uses to understand how your site organizes and displays information. When you have it, Google easily sees what you do. In fact, there is a specific AutoDealer schema available and when used in combination with your claimed Google Business profile, Google creates a more attention-grabbing display box in the search results.
6. Google Reviews
Google ranks businesses with 4.5 stars and above higher in local search results. Reviews and ratings provide social proof customers trust you, which is why most customers read reviews when choosing a repair shop. Therefore, you should make it easy for your happy customers to post positive reviews on your Google Business Profile. Sending an email with a link or providing a QR code on your receipts they can scan allows them to create a positive review while your service is still fresh in their minds.
Although it only takes six steps to create an effective local SEO strategy for your auto repair shop, it takes expertise to set them in motion. You need to create outstanding content, understand how to use rich snippets, add schema markup, and leverage your Google Business Profile to optimize SEO.
Reach out to our team for a consultation!