Mistaking myths for truths could be keeping your German auto repair shop small. If you are following the wrong path based on digital marketing misconceptions, you can limit your growth and minimize your marketing budget ROI. Here are five common myths about digital marketing that could be keeping your shop from reaching its marketing goals.
1 – Digital Marketing Only Works With Computers
One of the biggest assumptions is that digital marketing sticks to just the desktop. These days computers are everywhere – beyond our desks at home. They’re in our pocket via our smartphones, game consoles, tablets. Your digital marketing strategy should take advantage of all the marketing tools at your disposal.
While computers are obviously important, you also have to look at mobiles and other devices as well as reaching people through more traditional avenues like radio and television. With a specific audience such as European auto drivers, your digital marketing efforts can and should incorporate some old school ideas, in conjunction with modern methods to really resonate with potential customers in more meaningful ways.
2 – Having a Website is Enough
You need a website for your German auto repair shop – there is no way around that, but it’s only a piece of the puzzle when trying to reach customers. Your website is the homing beacon. All marketing points to your site where people find your auto services and repairs and convert to paying customers. Whether it’s a phone call, an online appointment form, signing up for a newsletter/email or requesting a demo, you need a digital marketing strategy that gets people to your website in hand with an aggressive SEO strategy to help generate organic traffic. All of this while being accessible across multiple platforms and to a variety of people.
3 – Social Media is All the Marketing I Need
Local businesses like European auto repair shops often use social media to connect with customers. Often times it is assumed that posting on Facebook is all that is needed but that’s certainly not the case. Social media is an important branding tool to get people back to your shop’s website but alone it is not enough to convert enough customers for a successful business. So while social media is a benefit and probably even essential to your digital marketing strategy, it can’t stand alone as the only component of your small business marketing efforts.
4 – Anyone Building Your Site is Automatically an SEO Expert
We wish it was that easy, but believing this one can really work against you. Having a professional build your site is valuable, indeed. It needs to be visually stimulating, easily accessed and utilized, fast, among plenty of other requirements. It’s not a simple task by any means but the design is the extent of it, separate from search engine optimization. That is, unless they are part of a digital marketing agency. So you end up with a stellar website that’s all dressed up with nowhere to go, so to speak. To provide all that you need for a complete digital marketing strategy, your German auto repair shop needs a professional team that specializes in all aspects, such as:
- Website design and development
- Local marketing
- Social media
- Blog content
- Email marketing
- Video production
- Pay per click
- Analytics
A web designer on their own can’t deliver it all!
5 – The Content I Have Now is Enough
Last but certainly not least, there’s the idea that all content is created equal. It’s simply not true. Your site’s content is like a houseplant – living and breathing and needing your attention. Even with the most engaging blog articles, in a fast-paced digital world it will soon be forgotten. A few blogs with an overview of your German auto repair services aren’t enough. Google and other search engines favor businesses that update their content regularly and intentionally. More than just blogs, you must continue to engage your audience across multiple channels using various media to make an impression.
We hope to give you a clearer idea of what may or may not be true about your assumptions of digital marketing in regard to your German auto repair shop. Your digital marketing strategy should work for you, not against you, and part of that is knowing the truths of how it works and what is necessary. For help with taking your shop to the next level, contact German Repair Shop Marketing today.