It's Your Social Media Campaign, Let's Make It Great!
Completing this form will help to personalize your social campaigns and add a genuine touch that will help you further stand out from the crowd.
Your Information
What is your main demographic?
Are you involved with any local charities or organizations?
What sets you apart from your competition?
How do you prefer to be presented online?
What are some unique talking points for your shop? Example: Free Coffee, Loaner Cars, Rewards Program, Warranty Items, Etc
What companies or personalities do you currently follow on social media that relate to your business?
Can we promote specials/coupons in your posts?
Things to AVOID when posting on social media:
Other notes and things we should know:
Find Out For Yourself
We are different than most automotive marketing companies out there. We know your market, we know your customers, and we pride ourselves on our level of attention to each of our clients. When you choose to work with us, we guarantee you will not become just another number. When we succeed, you succeed!